Outpatient clinics
Outpatient clinic for adolescents and adults with sleep disorders
Department of Neurology / Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Patients 12 years and older with sleep disorders that are related to the nervous system are treated at this particular outpatient clinic. We are specialized on the following disturbances:
- Behavioral abnormalities in sleep such as sleepwalking and/or other movements in sleep
- Delineation of parasomnias, sleep-related epileptic seizures and other movement disorders in sleep
- Narcolepsy with and without cataplexy and further disturbances that are associated with increased tiredness and/or abrupt sleepiness during the day
- Restless legs-syndrome
- Phase-shift of sleep-wake-cycle
- Sleep disturbances in adolescents
- Delineation of primary sleep disorders from primary psychiatric disorders that come along with sleep disturbances
- All other uncommon sleep disturbances
Furthermore, we treat all patients with neurological disorders (such as multiple sclerosis, polyneuropathy, stroke, HIV related disturbances of the nervous system, Parkinson syndrome, epilepsy, and others) that are complicated by treatment-relevant disturbances of sleep or of sleep-wake-cycle. You are invited to visit the homepage of the Charité Outpatient Clinic for Neurological Sleep Disorders.
PD Dr. med. Pascal Grosse
First Consultant // Contact
Campus Charité Mitte
Charitéplatz 1
10117 Berlin
Consultation hours
Tuesday, 1 – 4 pm. (with appointment)
Contact for outpatient appointments
Tel.: 030 – 450 560 560
Monday till Friday, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Fax: 030 – 450 560 912
Augustenburger Platz 1
13353 Berlin
Consultation hours
Tuesday, 9 – 12 a.m. (with appointment)
Contact for outpatient appointments
Tel.: 030 – 450 560 038
Monday till Friday, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Fax: 030 – 450 560 938