- Burkert S, Kendel F, Kiep H, Holtkamp M, Gaus V (2015) Gender differences in social support in persons with epilepsy. Epilepsy Behav 46: 205-208.
- Fidzinski P, Korotkova T, Heidenreich M, Maier N, Schuetze S, Kobler O, Zuschratter W, Schmitz D, Ponomarenko A, Jentsch TJ (2015) KCNQ5 K(+) channels control hippocampal synaptic inhibition and fast network oscillations. Nature Commun 6: 6.254.
- Füratsch N, Bohlmann K, Finzel M, Schöndienst M, Supplieth J, Welteke H, Wilde B (2015) Leitfaden zum Umgang mit Patienten in dissoziativen Anfällen. Zeitschrift für Epileptologie 28: 35-39.
- Füratsch N, Schöndienst M (2015) Leben mit psychogenen nicht-epileptischen Anfällen. Wie wirken sich die Anfälle auf die Lebensqualität aus? Zeitschrift für Epileptologie 28: 148-152.
- Gaus V, Kiep H, Holtkamp M, Burkert S, Kendel F (2015) Gender differences in depression, but not in anxiety in people with epilepsy. Seizure (im Druck).
- Gigout S, Wierschke S, Dehnicke C, Deisz RA (2015) Different pharmacology of N-desmethylclozapine at human and rat M2 and M4 mAChRs in neocortex. Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol 388: 487-496.
- Holtkamp M (2015) Status epilepticus diagnosis, management and outcome: an update (Guest Editorial). J Clin Neurophysiol (im Druck).
- Holtkamp M (2015) Should barbiturates be used in refractory status epilepticus? J Clin Neurophysiol (im Druck).
- Holtkamp M, Hamerle M (2015) Alkohol, Nikotin, Cannabis. Triggern Genussmittel epileptische Anfälle? Zeitschrift für Epileptologie 28: 124-128.
- Holtkamp M, van Kampen (2015) Lebensqualität und Epilepsie (Editorial). Zeitschrift für Epileptologie 28: 101.
- Kowski AB, Holtkamp M (2015) Electrically induced limbic seizures – preliminary findings in a rodent model. J Exp Neuroscience 9: 7-11.
- Kowski AB, Voges J, Heinze HJ, Oltmanns F, Holtkamp M, Schmitt FC (2015) Nucleus accumbens stimulation in partial epilepsy – a randomized controlled case series. Epilepsia 56: 78-82.
- May TW, Pfäfflin M, Brandt C, Füratsch N, Schmitz B, Wandschneider B, Kretz R, Runge U, Geithner J, Karakizlis H, Rosenow F, Kerling F, Stefan H (2015) Epilepsy in the elderly: restrictions, fears, and quality of life. Acta Neurol Scand (im Druck).
- Miersch HC, Bohlmann K, Colberg A, Straub HB (2015) Dissoziative Anfälle. Zeitschrift für Epileptologie 28: 29-34.
- Peltola J, Holtkamp M, Rocamora R, Ryvlin P, Sieradzan K, Villanueva V (2015) Practical guidance and considerations for transitioning patients from oxcarbazepine or carbamazepine to eslicarbazepine acetate – Expert opinion. Epilepsy Behav 50: 46-49.
- Sandow N, Kim S, Raue C, Präsler D, Klaft Z, Antonio LL, Hollnagel J, Kovacs R, Kann O, Horn P, Vajkoczy P, Holtkamp M, Meencke HJ, Cavalheiro EA, Pragst F, Gabriel S,
- Lehmann TN, Heinemann U (2015) Drug resistance in cortical and hippocampal slices from resected tissue of epilepsy patients: no significant impact of P-glycoprotein and multidrug resistance associated proteins. Frontiers in Neurology 6: 30.
- Schneider UC, Bohlmann K, Vajkoczy P, Straub HB (2015) Implantation of a new Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS) Therapy® generator, AspireSR®: considerations and recommendations during implantation and replacement surgery-comparison to a traditional system. Acta Neurochir (Wien) 157: 721-728.
- Von Podewils F, Geithner J (2015) Idiopathisch generalisierte Epilepsien. Prädiktoren für eine „gute“ Lebensqualität. Zeitschrift für Epileptologie 28: 129-133.
Book chapter
- Grosse P, Salih F (2015) Schlafstörungen und schlafbezogene Atemstörungen. In: Komplikationen und Folgeerkrankungen nach Schlaganfall. Hrsg.: Jungehülsing G, Endres M. Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart.
- Holtkamp M (2015) EEG in refractory status epilepticus. In: Clinical Neurophysiology in Disorders of Consciousness: Brain Function Monitoring in the ICU and Beyond. Ed.: Rossetti AO, Laureys S. Springer, Wien, New York.
- Holtkamp M (2015) Genetic generalized epilepsies with adolescent onset. In: Pediatric Epilepsy. Eds.: Pellock JM, Nordli DR, Sankar R, Wheless JW. Demos Medical
- Publishing/Demos Health, New York (im Druck).
- Holtkamp M (2015) Other less commonly used antiepileptic drugs. In: The Treatment of Epilepsy. Eds.: Engel P, Perucca E, Shorvon S. (4th ed.) Blackwell Publishing, Oxford (im Druck).
- Holtkamp M, Hamerle M (2015) Cannabis use in epilepsy – risks and benefits. In: The Comprehensive Handbook of Cannabis Related Pathology. Ed.: Preedy VR. Elsevier, London (im Druck).
- Holtkamp M, Jungehülsing G (2015) Epileptische Anfälle und Epilepsie. In: Komplikationen und Folgeerkrankungen nach Schlaganfall. Hrsg.: Jungehülsing G, Endres M. Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart.
- Holtkamp M, Schmitt FC, Kowski A (2015) Epilepsy. In: Deep Brain Stimulation. Eds.: Volkmann J, Krauss JK. Springer, Heidelberg (im Druck).
- Deisz RA, Wierschke S, Schneider UC, Dehnicke C (2014). Effects of VU0240551, a novel KCC2 antagonist, and DIDS on chloride homeostasis of neocortical neurons from rats and humans. Neuroscience 277: 831 – 841.
- Fidzinski P, Jarius S, Gaebler C, Boegner F, Nohr R, Ruprecht K (2014) Faciobrachial dystonic seizures and antibodies to Lgi1 in a 92-year-old patient: A case report. J Neurol Sci 347: 404 – 405.
- Hamerle M, Ghaeni L, Kowski A, Weissinger F, Holtkamp M (2014) Cannabis and other illicit drug use in epilepsy patients. Eur J Neurol 21: 167 – 170.
- Holtkamp M, Bast T. Management des Status epilepticus bei Kindern (2014) Päd Praxis 83: 227 – 238.
- Holtkamp M, Kowski AB, Merkle H, Janz D (2014) Long-term outcome in epilepsy with grand mal on awakening – 40 years of follow-up. Ann Neurol 75: 298 – 302.
- Holtkamp M, Senf P, Kirschbaum A, Janz D (2014) Psychosocial long-term outcome in juvenile myoclonic epilepsy. Epilepsia 55: 1.732 – 1.738.
- Kowski AB, Volz MS, Holtkamp M, Prüss H (2014) High frequency of intrathecal immunoglobulin synthesis in epilepsy so far classified cryptogenic. Eur J Neurol 21: 395 – 401.
- Ott DVM, Kauert A, Holtkamp M (2014) Tooth-brushing induced seizures at onset of cryptogenic temporal lobe epilepsy – a case report. J Neurol 261: 432 – 434.
- Rittweger M, Branding G, Arastéh K, Grosse P, Katchanov J (2014) Teaching Video NeuroImages: Focal cortical myoclonus in progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy. Neurology 83: e132.
- Salih F, Grosse P (2014) Complete loss of F-waves during cataplectic attacks in patients with narcolepsy. Neurology 83: 2.095 – 2.096.
- Schmitt FC, Voges J, Büntjen L, Zaehle T, Oltmanns F, Kopitzki K, Matzen J, Kowski AB, Heinze HJ, Kluge C, Straub HB, Stefan H, Mayer T, Holtkamp M (2014)
- Tiefe-Hirn-Stimulation des Nucleus accumbens – Rationale und erste Ergebnisse bei fokalen Epilepsien. Zeitschrift für Epileptologie 27: 48 – 54.
- Schmitt FC, Voges J, Heinze HJ, Zaehle T, Holtkamp M, Kowski AB (2014) Safety and feasibility of nucleus accumbens stimulation in five patients with epilepsy. J Neurol 261: 1.477 – 1.484.
- Stefan H, May TW, Pfäfflin M, Brandt C, Füratsch N, Schmitz B, Wandschneider B, Kretz R, Runge U, Geithner J, Karakizlis C, Rosenow F, Kerling F (2014) Epilepsy in the elderly: comparing clinical characteristics with younger patients. Acta Neurol Scand 129: 283 – 282.
- Steinbrenner ML, Kowski AB, Schmitt FC, Holtkamp M (2014) Hypothermia did not prevent epilepsy following experimental status epilepticus. Brain Res 1.572: 50 – 58.
- Wawra M, Fidzinski P, Heinemann U, Mody I, Behr J (2014) 5-HT4-receptors modulate induction of long-term depression but not potentiation at hippocampal output synapses in acute rat brain slices. PLoS One e88085.
- Claassen J, TacconeFS, HornP, HoltkampM, StocchettiN, Oddo M (2013) Recommendations on the use of EEG monitoring in critically ill patients: Consensus Statement from the Neurointensive care section of the ESICM. Crit Care Med 39: 1.337-1.351.
- Duchaczek B, Ghaeni L, Matzen J, Holtkamp M (2013) Interictal and periictal headache in patients with epilepsy. Eur J Neuro 20: 1.360-1.366.
- Jungehülsing J, Heuschmann PU, Holtkamp M, Schwab S, Kolominsky-Rabas PL (2013) Incidence and predictors of post-stroke epilepsy. Acta Neurol Scand 127: 427-430.
- Senf P, Schmitz B, Holtkamp M, Janz D (2013). Prognosis of Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy 45 Years After Onset: Seizure Outcome and Predictors. Neurology 81: 2.128-2.132.
- Trinka E, Marson AG, Van Paesschen W, Kälviäinen R, Marovac J, Duncan B, Buyle S, Hallström Y, Hon P, Muscas GC, Newton M, Meencke HJ, Smith PE, Pohlmann-Eden B; for the KOMET Study Group (2013) KOMET: an unblinded, randomised, two parallel-group, stratified trial comparing the effectiveness of levetiracetam with controlled-release carbamazepine and extended-release sodium valproate as monotherapy in patients with newly diagnosed epilepsy. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 84: 1.138-1.147.
Book chapter
- Holtkamp M, Rossetti AO (2013) Mechanismen des Status epilepticus und therapeutische Implikationen. In: Perspektiven der pharmakologischen Behandlung von Epilepsien. Hrsg.: Lerche H, Potschka H. Uni-Med Verlag, Bremen.
- Geithner J, Schneider F, Wang Z, Berneiser J, Herzer R, Kessler C, Runge U (2012)
Predictors for long-term seizure outcome in juvenile myoclonic epilepsy: 25-63 years of follow-up. Epilepsia 53: 1.379-1.386 . - Gigout S, Wierschke S, Lehmann TN, Horn P, Dehnicke C, Deisz RA (2012)
Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor-mediated effects in slices from human epileptogenic cortex. Neuroscience 223: 399-41. - Holtkamp M (2012) Status epilepticus. Aktuelle Neurologie 39: 429-436.
- Holtkamp M, Sharan A, Sperling MR (2012) Intracranial EEG in predicting surgical outcome in frontal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsia 53: 1.739-1.740.
- Kowski AB, Kanaan H, Schmitt FC, Holtkamp M (2012) Deep hypothermia terminates status epilepticus – an experimental study. Brain Res 29: 119-126.
- Matzen J, Buchheim K, Holtkamp M (2012) Circadian dentate gyrus excitability in a rat model of temporal lobe epilepsy. Exp Neurol 234: 105-111.
- Mueller CA, Scorzin J, von Lehe M, Fimmers R, Helmstaedter C, Zentner J, Lehmann TN, Meencke HJ, Schulze-Bonhage A, Schramm J (2012) Seizure outcome 1 year after temporal lobe epilepsy: an analysis of MR volumetric and clinical parameters. Acta Neurochir (Wien) 154: 1.327-1.336.
- Holtkamp M (2012) Epileptische Anfälle und Epilepsie. In: Harrisons Innere Medizin. Hrsg. der dt. Ausgabe: Dietel M, Suttorp N, Zeitz M (18. Aufl., deutsch). ABW Wissenschaftsverlag, Berlin.
- Holtkamp M (2012) Koma. In: Harrisons Innere Medizin. Hrsg. der dt. Ausgabe: Dietel M, Suttorp N, Zeitz M (18. Aufl., deutsch). ABW Wissenschaftsverlag, Berlin.
- Coulter DA, Yue C, Ang CW, Weissinger F, Goldberg E, Hsu FC, Carlson GC, Takano H (2011) Hippocampal microcircuit dynamics probed using optical imaging approaches. J Physiol 589: 1.893-1.903.
- Deisz RA, Lehmann TN, Horn P, Dehnicke C, Nitsch R (2011) Components of neuronal chloride transport in rat and human neocortex. J Physiol 589:1.317-1.34.
- Holtkamp M (2011) Treatment strategies for refractory status epilepticus. Curr Opin Crit Care 17: 94-100.
- Holtkamp M, Buchheim K, Elsner M, Matzen J, Weissinger F, Meierkord H (2011) Status epilepticus induces increasing neuronal excitability and hypersynchrony as revealed by optical imaging. Neurobiol Dis 43: 220-2277.
- Holtkamp M, Meierkord H (2011) Nonconvulsive status epilepticus: a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge in the intensive care setting. Ther Adv Neurol Disord 4: 169-181.
- Schramm J, Lehmann TN, Zentner J, Mueller CA, Scorzin J, Fimmers R, Meencke HJ, Schulze-Bonhage A, Elger CE (2011) Randomized controlled trial of 2.5-cm versus 3.5-cm mesial temporal resection in temporal lobe epilepsy – Part 1: intent-to-treat analysis. Acta Neurochir (Vienna) 153: 209-219.
- Schramm J, Lehmann TN, Zentner J, Mueller CA, Scorzin J, Fimmers R, Meencke HJ, Schulze-Bonhage A, Elger CE (2011) Randomized controlled trial of 2.5-cm versus 3.5-cm mesial temporal resection – Part 2: volumetric resection extent and subgroup analyses. Acta Neurochir (Vienna) 153: 221-228.
- Förstera B, Belaidi AA, Jüttner R, Bernert C, Tsokos M, Lehmann TN, Horn P, Dehnicke C, Schwarz G, Meier JC (2010) Irregular RNA splicing curtails postsynaptic gephyrin in the cornu ammonis of patients with epilepsy.Brain 133: 3.778-3.794.
- Meierkord H, Boon P, Engelsen B, Gocke K, Shorvon S, Tinuper P, Holtkamp M (2010) EFNS guideline on the management of status epilepticus. Eur J Neurol 17: 348-355.
- Schmitt FC, Dehnicke C, Merschhemke M, Meencke HJ (2010) Verapamil attenuates the malignant treatment course in recurrent status epilepticus. Epilepsy Behav 17: 565-568.
- Wierschke S, Gigout S, Horn P, Lehmann TN, Dehnicke C, Bräuer AU, Deisz RA (2010) Evaluating reference genes to normalize gene expression in human epileptogenic brain tissues. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 403: 385-390.
- Wierschke S, Lehmann TN, Dehnicke C, Horn P, Nitsch R, Deisz RA (2010) Hyperpolarization-activated cation currents in human epileptogenic neocortex. Epilepsia 51: 404-414.
Book chapter
- Heinemann U, Holtkamp M (2010) Pathophysiology of status epilepticus: experimental data. In: The Atlas of Epilepsies. Ed: Panayiotopoulos CP. Springer, New York.
- Blümcke I, Kistner I, Clusmann H, Schramm J, Becker AJ, Elger CE, Bien CG, Merschhemke M, Meencke HJ, Lehmann T, Buchfelder M, Weigel D, Buslei R, Stefan H, Pauli E, Hildebrandt M (2009) Towards a clinico-pathological classification of granule cell dispersion in human mesial temporal lobe epilepsies. Acta Neuropathol 117: 535-44.
- Meencke HJ (2009) Clinical neuropathology of the epilepsies in the 100 years of the ILAE (1909-2009). Epilepsia 50 Suppl 3: 8-16.
- Teichgräber LA, Lehmann TN, Meencke HJ, Weiss T, Nitsch R, Deisz RA (2009)Impaired function of GABA(B) receptors in tissues from pharmacoresistant epilepsy patients. Epilepsia 50: 1697-716.
- Veauthier J, Haettig H, Meencke HJ (2009) Impact of levetiracetam add-on therapy on different EEG occipital frequencies in epileptic patients. Seizure 18: 392-5.
Book chapter
- Meierkord H, Holtkamp M (2009) Other drugs rarely used. In: The Treatment of Epilepsy. Eds: Shorvon S, Perucca E, Fish D, Dodson E. (3rd ed.) Blackwell Publishing, Oxford.
- Haag A, Knake S, Hamer HM, Boesebeck F, Freitag H, Schulz R, Baum P, Helmstaedter C, Wellmer J, Urbach H, Hopp P, Mayer T, Hufnagel A, Jokeit H, Lerche H, Uttner I, Meencke HJ, Meierkord H, Pauli E, Runge U, Saar J, Trinka E, Benke T, Vulliemoz S, Wiegand G, Stephani U, Wieser HG, Rating D, Werhahn K, Noachtar S, Schulze-Bonhage A, Wagner K, Alpherts WC, Boas WE, Rosenow F; Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Prächirurgische Epilepsiediagnostik und Operative Epilepsietherapie e.V (2008) The Wada test in Austrian, Dutch, German, and Swiss epilepsy centers from 2000 to 2005: a review of 1421 procedures. Epilepsy Behav 13: 83-9.
- Matzen J, Buchheim K, van Landeghem F, Meierkord H, Holtkamp M (2008) Functional and morphological changes in the dentate gyrus after experimental status epilepticus. Seizure 17: 76-83.
- Prüß H, Holtkamp M (2008) Ketamine successfully terminates malignant status epilepticus. Epilepsy Res 82: 219-222.
- Blümcke I, Pauli E, Clusmann H, Schramm J, Becker A, Elger C, Merschhemke M, Meencke HJ, Lehmann T, von Deimling A, Scheiwe C, Zentner J, Volk B, Romstöck J, Stefan H, Hildebrandt M (2007) A new clinico-pathological classification system for mesial temporal sclerosis. Acta Neuropathol 113: 235-44.
- Brodie MJ, Perucca E, Ryvlin P, Ben-Menachem E, Meencke HJ; Levetiracetam Monotherapy Study Group (2007) Comparison of levetiracetam and controlled-release carbamazepine in newly diagnosed epilepsy. Neurology 68: 402-8.
- Holtkamp M (2007) The anaesthetic and intensive care of status epilepticus. Curr Opin Neurol 20: 188-193.
- Holtkamp M, Meierkord H (2007) Biomedicine and diseases: anticonvulsant, antiepileptogenic and antiictogenic pharmacostrategies. Cell Mol Life Sci 64: 2023-2041.
- Holtkamp M, Schmitt FC, Buchheim K, Meierkord H (2007) Temperature regulation is compromised in experimental limbic status epilepticus. Brain Res 1127: 76-79.
- Meierkord H, Holtkamp M (2007) Non-convulsive status epilepticus: Clinical forms and treatment. Lancet Neurol 6: 329-339.
- Pathak HR, Weissinger F, Terunuma M, Carlson GC, Hsu FC, Moss SJ, Coulter DA (2007) Disrupted dentate granule cell chloride regulation enhances synaptic excitability during development of temporal lobe epilepsy. J Neurosci 27: 14012-14022.
- Paul F, Veauthier C, Fritz G, Lehmann TN, Aktas O, Zipp F, Meencke HJ (2007) Perioperative fluctuations of lamotrigine serum levels in patients undergoing epilepsy surgery. Seizure 16: 479-484.
- Holtkamp M, Othman J, Buchheim K, Meierkord H (2006) Diagnosis of psychogenic non-epileptic status epilepticus in the emergency setting. Neurology 66: 1727-29.
- Jandová K, Päsler D, Antonio LL, Raue C, Ji S, Njunting M, Kann O, Kovács R, Meencke HJ, Cavalheiro EA, Heinemann U, Gabriel S, Lehmann TN (2006) Carbamazepine-resistance in the epileptic dentate gyrus of human hippocampal slices. Brain 129: 3290-306.
- Meencke HJ, Buyle S (2006) Assessment of a dose-response relationship of levetiracetam. Eur J Neurol 13: 942-6.
- Schmitt FC, Buchheim K, Meierkord H, Holtkamp M (2006) Anticonvulsant properties of hypothermia in experimental status epilepticus. Neurobiol Dis 23: 689-696.
- Buchheim K, Wessel O, Siegmund H, Schuchmann S, Meierkord H (2005) Processes and components participating in the generation of intrinsic optical signal changes in vitro. Eur J Neurosci 22: 125-32.
- Holtkamp M, Matzen J, van Landeghem F, Buchheim K, Meierkord H (2005) Transient loss of inhibition precedes spontaneous seizures after experimental status epilepticus. Neurobiol Dis 19: 162-170.
- Holtkamp M, Othman J, Buchheim K, Masuhr F, Schielke E, Meierkord H (2005) A ‘malignant’ variant of status epilepticus. ArchNeurol 62: 1428-1431.
- Holtkamp M, Othman J, Buchheim K, Meierkord H (2005) Predictors and prognosis in refractory status epilepticus. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 76: 534-539.
- Schmitt FC, Matzen J, Buchheim K, Meierkord H, Holtkamp M (2005) Hyperthermia is not associated with limbic but with motor experimental status epilepticus. Epilepsia 46: 188-192.
- Weissinger F, Buchheim K, Siegmund H, Meierkord H (2005) Seizure spread through the life cycle: optical imaging in combined brain slices from immature, adult, and senile rats in vitro. Neurobiol Dis 19: 84-95.
- Buchheim K, Obrig H, v Pannwitz W, Mueller A, Heekeren H, Villringer A, Meierkord H (2004) Decrease in haemoglobin oxygenation during absence seizures in adult humans. Neurosci Lett 354:119-22.
- Gabriel S, Njunting M, Pomper JK, Merschhemke M, Sanabria ER, Eilers A, Kivi A, Zeller M, Meencke HJ, Cavalheiro EA, Heinemann U, Lehmann TN (2004) Stimulus and potassium-induced epileptiform activity in the human dentate gyrus from patients with and without hippocampal sclerosis. J Neurosci 24: 10416-10430.
- Holtkamp M, Schuchmann S, Gottschalk S, Meierkord H (2004) Recurrent seizures do not cause hippocampal damage. J Neurol 251: 458-463.
- Paul F, Meencke HJ (2004) Levetiracetam in focal epilepsy and hepatic porphyria: a case report. Epilepsia 45: 559-560.
- Bengner T, Haettig H, Merschhemke M, Dehnicke C, Meencke HJ (2003) Memory assessment during the intracarotid amobarbital procedure: influence of injection order. Neurology 61: 1582-1587.
- Holtkamp M, Matzen J, Buchheim K, Walker MC, Meierkord H (2003) Furosemide terminates limbic status epilepticus in freely moving rats. Epilepsia 44: 1141-1144.
- Holtkamp M, Buchheim K, Siegmund H, Meierkord H (2003) Optical imaging reveals reduced seizure spread and propagation velocities in aged rat brain in vitro. Neurobiol Aging 24: 345-353.
- Holtkamp M, Masuhr F, Harms L, Einhäupl KM, Meierkord H, Buchheim K (2003) The management of refractory generalised convulsive and complex partial status epilepticus in three european countries. A survey among epileptologists and critical care neurologists. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 74: 1095-1099.
- Merschhemke M, Mitchell TN, Free SL, Hammers A, Kinton L, Siddiqui A, Stevens J, Kendall B, Meencke HJ, Duncan JS (2003) Quantitative MRI detects abnormalities in relatives of patients with epilepsy and malformations of cortical development. Neuroimage 18: 642-649.
- Plotkin M, Amthauer H, Merschhemke M, Lüdemann L, Hartkop E, Ruf J, Gutberlet M, Bertram H, Meencke HJ, Felix R, Venz S (2003) Use of statistical parametric mapping of (18) F-FDG-PET in frontal lobe epilepsy. Nuklearmedizin 42: 190-196.
- Müller T, Merschhemke M, Dehnicke C, Sanders M, Meencke HJ (2002) Improving diagnostic procedure and treatment in patients with non-epileptic seizures (NES). Seizure 11: 85-89.
- Holtkamp M, Tong X, Walker MC (2001) Propofol in subanesthetic doses terminates status epilepticus in a rodent model. Ann Neurol 49: 260-263.
- Kivi A, Lehmann TN, Kovács R, Eilers A, Jauch R, Meencke HJ, von Deimling A, Heinemann U, Gabriel S (2000) Effects of barium on stimulus-induced rises of [K+]o in human epileptic non-sclerotic and sclerotic hippocampal area CA1. Eur J Neurosci 12: 2039-2048.
- Lehmann TN, Gabriel S, Kovacs R, Eilers A, Kivi A, Schulze K, Lanksch WR, Meencke HJ, Heinemann U (2000) Alterations of neuronal connectivity in area CA1 of hippocampal slices from temporal lobe epilepsy patients and from pilocarpine-treated epileptic rats. Epilepsia 41 Suppl 6: 190-194.
- Weissinger F, Buchheim K, Siegmund H, Heinemann U, Meierkord H (2000) Optical imaging reveals characteristic seizure onsets, spread patterns, and propagation velocities in hippocampal-entorhinal cortex slices of juvenile rats. Neurobiol Dis 7: 286-298.
1999 und davor
- Andermann LF, Savard G, Meencke HJ, McLachlan R, Moshé S, Andermann F (1999) Psychosis after resection of ganglioglioma or DNET: evidence for an association. Epilepsia 40: 83-87.
- Buchheim K, Schuchmann S, Siegmund H, Gabriel HJ, Heinemann U, Meierkord H (1999) Intrinsic optical signal measurements reveal characteristic features during different forms of spontaneous neuronal hyperactivity associated with ECS shrinkage in vitro. Eur J Neurosci 11: 1877-1882.
- Gutschmidt KU, Stenkamp K, Buchheim K, Heinemann U, Meierkord H (1999) Anticonvulsant actions of furosemide in vitro. Neuroscience 91: 1471-1481.
- Lüders H, Acharya J, Baumgartner C, Benbadis S, Bleasel A, Burgess R, Dinner DS, Ebner A, Foldvary N, Geller E, Hamer H, Holthausen H, Kotagal P, Morris H, Meencke HJ, Noachtar S, Rosenow F, Sakamoto A, Steinhoff BJ, Tuxhorn I, Wyllie E (1999) A new epileptic seizure classification based exclusively on ictal semiology. Acta Neurol Scand 99:137-141.
- Meencke HJ, Veith G (1999) The relevance of slight migrational disturbances (microdysgenesis) to the etiology of the epilepsies. Adv Neurol 79: 123-31.
- Gabriel S, Kivi A, Kovacs R, Lehmann TN, Lanksch WR, Meencke HJ, Heinemann U (1998) Effects of barium on stimulus-induced changes in [K+]o and field potentials in dentate gyrus and area CA1 of human epileptic hippocampus. Neurosci Lett 249: 91-94.
- Lüders H, Acharya J, Baumgartner C, Benbadis S, Bleasel A, Burgess R, Dinner DS, Ebner A, Foldvary N, Geller E, Hamer H, Holthausen H, Kotagal P, Morris H, Meencke HJ, Noachtar S, Rosenow F, Sakamoto A, Steinhoff BJ, Tuxhorn I, Wyllie E (1998) Semiological seizure classification. Epilepsia 39: 1006-1013.
- Noachtar S, Rosenow F, Arnold S, Baumgartner C, Ebner A, Hamer H, Holthausen H, Meencke HJ, Müller A, Sakamoto AC, Steinhoff BJ, Tuxhorn I, Werhahn KJ, Winkler PA, Lüders HO (1998) Semiologische Klassifikation epileptischer Anfälle. Nervenarzt 69: 117-126.
- Venz S, Hierholzer J, Cordes M, Straub HB, Keske U, Meencke HJ, Eichstädt H, Felix R (1998) Quantitative estimation of I-123-Iomazenil receptor binding in temporal lobe epilepsies using two SPECT acquisitions–comparison with the regional cerebral blood flow and a compartment model. Nuklearmedizin 37: 49-56.
- Woermann FG, Barker GJ, Birnie KD, Meencke HJ, Duncan JS (1998) Regional changes in hippocampal T2 relaxation and volume: a quantitative magnetic resonance imaging study of hippocampal sclerosis. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 65 :656-664.
- Meencke HJ, Veith G, Lund S (1996) Bilateral hippocampal sclerosis and secondary epileptogenesis. Epilepsy Res Suppl. 12: 335-342.
- Specht U, Rohde M, May T, Schmidt RC, Meencke HJ, Wolf P (1994) Cerebellar atrophy does not increase susceptibility to carbamazepine toxicity. Acta Neurol Scand 89: 1-4.
- Meencke HJ, Veith G (1992) Migration disturbances in epilepsy. Epilepsy Res Suppl. 9: 31-39.
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